Our Mission
Danielle is moving from grassroots to the front lines to go BIG, and get BETTER, with the BESS candidate for Houston!!! With Houston being one of the most diverse cities in America, Danielle is seeking to represent its people of all backgrounds, race, age, gender, and socio-economic status. She will advocate for the needs of Houstonians at City Hall, resulting in collaborative solutions for the city and community that she loves.
BIG COLLABORATIONS are necessary as we consider the key factors needed in outlining the critical paths to reaching our collective goals. We have more commonalities than we do differences, and it is in our similarities where we will find true success and future growth.
BETTER COMMUNITIES are deserving of critical resources for infrastructure, safety, and programming as Houston leads the charge for community initiatives, public safety, environmental consciousness, entertainment and arts, small business success, transportation, and abundance of rich history, and more!
Houston deserves Community Revitalization
Houston deserves Environmental Enrichment
Houston deserves Infrastructure Improvements
Houston deserves Public Safety Programming
Houston deserves Business Opportunities & Resources
Houston deserves Youth & Senior Initiatives
Danielle is committed to service because this election is bigger than our differences, and through our collaborative efforts we can continue to make our city the best place for ALL HOUSTONIANS!!!
As your next
Houston City Council Member,
At-Large #2


"You can either have excuses or you can have results,
you can’t have both."
Community Platforms
Community Revitalization
Communities can be revitalized without changing and/or replacing the face of its people. Revitalization of our neighborhoods includes a unique mix of renovation programming, historical preservation, new construction, and proper affordable housing that allows families to remain in their communities while beautification efforts commence. Community and mixed-use developments promote job creation, increase economic opportunities, elimination of food deserts, and it allows the city to remain as an innovation leader.
Infrastructure Improvements
Houston is in need of infrastructure improvements that proactively address the needs of our communities. Previous natural disasters have exposed the inadequacies in our wastewater systems, and the desperate need for updates within a timeline that is fiscally responsible and prioritized. Making sure that we implement preventative measures throughout city services to ensure that people are protected is essential.
Business Opportunities & Resources
Advocacy for business opportunities and resources for the local businesses is critical for economic success in our city. Mentor / Protégé programming between large contractors and small businesses can afford the parties involved the opportunity to learn, train, and grow through connections that can last beyond contracting timelines. Nonprofits can discover funding opportunities, on the local level and receive grant resources. This in essence builds invaluable collaborations.
Environmental Enrichment
Our city needs green spaces that allow enrichment programming for all communities. The care for parks and recreation is an investment in our future, and respect for our past. We also want to make sure that we effectively dispose of waste in a manner that exceeds green standards, and that we properly recycle various materials and products to reduce emissions. This can create a legacy of care and concern for our environment throughout the city.
Public Safety Programming
Securing the homes and businesses throughout Houston is vital to our growth and development. Creating an open line of transparency with the various law enforcement agencies of the city and county, brings us closer to reform. Essential programming that protects families against violence and abuse, and reducing crime starts at the city, while advocating for the funding of mental health services, de-escalation training, and more for both the service providers and the public as a whole.
Youth & Senior Initiatives
Houston can lead the way to create synergy between all age groups, that create positive change and possibilities amid generational divides. It is on the shoulders of our seniors, we stand. Due to their trailblazing efforts within and among all communities, we are able to continue the work of their hands. In return I will seek out resources that allow them to live life comfortably and freely, as they enjoy the fruits of their labor. The launching of assistance and initiatives that promote physical fitness, reduce chronic illness, provide social activities and support long-term care, is a priority. Ensuring that children have access to diverse programming, adequate learning resources/technology, with the appropriate oversight will be the keys to empowerment in aiding our bright minds. Collaborating with the community on programming that promotes advance access for our youth, broadens the possibilities for career opportunities, and enlighten their minds on the many options available for them to achieve professionally and educationally.
Resonance recently ranked Houston No. 42 in the 2023 World’s Best Cities report, and stated "Educated, diverse and hard-working, Houston is America’s stealthy powerhouse on the rise." Houston's rich diversity in community, education, and economics makes it the leading metroplex in the State of Texas! Our great city has produced internationally recognized leaders and public figures, competitive educational programs, multi-faceted transportation services, and a dynamic population inclusive of persons from all backgrounds and nationalities. #WeAreHouston